serverDNA Live!Online Stage Show

  1. Register as an attendee here
  2. Make sure your phone number is validated on registering as an attendee.
    Please make sure your email is correct and working as the personal portal link will be send to you by email only.
  3. One day before the event, your own portal link will be emailed to you.
  4. Please log in at least once a day on 13th and 14th.
  5. Follow the link to the live broadcast on the show and when your name is called on win.
    Please use the number you register with to whatsapp the number provided.
  6. Our operators will validate you with your name and phone number, and get your shipping details.
  7. All shipping for the lucky draw will be covered for you only in West Malaysia.
  8. East Malaysia will be contacted on the cost of shipping.
  9. There will be a 2 minutes gap for you to contact our operators with your whatsapp before the win will be forfeited and given to the next winner.
  10. All lucky draws chances are renewed each day on the 13th and 14th, June.
  11. Only 1 win is allowed per person/phone number per day.
  12. Special draws will have a fresh new chance for everyone irregardless of any win earlier.
  13. Game plays ie Kahoot is not considered as lucky draws. You will still have  a chance in the lucky draw even if you have won in Gameplays.
  14. Complete the feedback form your your own personal portal to have additional chance of winning.

Tournaments Prizes

  1. Tournament wins and giveaways are manage by the respective organizors.
  2. However for those who joined or view the event, there will be a special giveaway to be announced by the organizor. Please keep note on their page for more details.
  3. serverDNA will arrrange for the items to be ship to your FOC. As long as you are located in West Malaysia.


  1. A special draw will be done on the 21st June for those who purchase at least one thing on the sdna estore. 
  2. Announcement will be made by the estore operator and win items will be ship to the winner. 

** Lucky Draws are only applicable to winners who is 16yo and above and located in Malaysia.

Items available for the lucky draws will be provided as follows will be given off or subject to time availability of the programmes.


Gameplays and SDNA Stage

  1. Along the stage time, stage games will be played out and individuals online will be called to participate and that you will be given a special participation gift.